God’s system of health and healing is an integral part of sanctification in the restoration of man to reflect the image of His Creator. God’s method has been shown to harmonize with the known laws of science. Scientific studies have proven their value as demonstrated by prolonged length of life. In contrast, the alternative/New Age therapies are not in harmony with God’s physical and chemical laws of the universe and have their origin from countries that do not have a positive health history.
In fact those countries have been at the bottom of the scale for health and longevity. The Devil, by deception, offers his counterfeit system of health and healing to entice man to give to him the honor and worship due only to Jesus Christ the Son of God. God’s message of health we consider to be the right arm for evangelism of the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. So too, is the message of health and healing, the right arm of evangelisation of Satan’s counterfeit story of salvation/nirvana. He uses these therapeutic methods as entering wedges to turn our minds from the Judeo/Christian worldview toward the Eastern pantheistic worldview. This book presents the basic elements (rudiments) of deception in healing modalities that Satan presents.
There are hundreds of false healing methods being offered to the public, and how can I tell which methods are of Satan? Receiving benefit from a therapy cannot be used as a criterion to differentiate between deceptive healing and the true, Satan can heal! Study the information in the new book Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing(copyright 2012 656 pp.) and learn how to differentiate between the true and the false and be able to assist others in differentiating.
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