About the Author

Education & Background...

Dr. Edwin A. Noyes M.D. MPH is a graduate of Loma Linda University (1959), retired in (2000) following forty years of general practice in Forest Grove, Oregon where he now resides.  He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corp (1967-1969), and is a Vietnam veteran.  He and wife Emma served a short term hospital mission service (1971) in Phuket, Thailand.  He received a Master’s of Public Health Degree from Loma Linda University (1979).

He is married to Emma (Vaselenko from Penticton, Canada), two children Terri Lynn Noyes, a Certified Accountant (deceased January 2012), and Michael B. Noyes M.D. (LLU 1985) Emergency Room physician in Salt Lake City and resides in Sandy, Utah.

Dr. Noyes has authored two books, “Spiritualistic Deception in Health and Healing” (2007) and “Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing” (2012). He has researched this subject for more than 35 years. Doctor Noyes observed that some members of his religious organization, Seventh-day Adventists, were partaking of therapies which he understood to have spiritualistic connection and in turn which he exposes in his books.  In 2005 he started writing the first book so as to make available a reference source to help individuals understand what they were choosing to engage in.  It was published in 2007 and the second book Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing published in 2012  The books were written specifically to warn members of his religious organization about these spurious healing therapies but the information in the books is pertinent and valuable for all Christians and non Christians..

For forty years Dr. Noyes’s special interest and activity has been preparing and presenting seminars promoting proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and for the past 12 years seminars exposing spiritualistic deceptions in healing (alternative New Age therapies) that have crept into medical care.  His activity in exposing spiritualistic deceptions in health and healing has continually grown since its inception in Russia in 1999.  Seminars and presentation of these subjects have been conducted in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Canada, and USA, on 3 ABN television, at church camp meetings, and local church venues.  He is author of the book Spiritualistic Deceptions in Health and Healing (2007, pages 272) and Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing (2012, pages 656).    He also produced a DVD of his seminar, exposing spiritualistic therapies,  in Russian and it is distributed in Russia and Ukraine.
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